Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Ghana, AD,” 1957’’commemorates the independence of Ghana; contain monuments to Ghana’s independence struggle including the Black Stars Square.

The Black Star Square formally known as the Independence Square is the second largest square in the world after the Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China. It is a public square in Accra. The Black Star Gate, Independence Arch, The Liberation Day Monument, and the Memorial to an unknown soldier, are all part of the Independence Square. Close to it is the Accra Sports Stadium, The Asomdwe park (the final resting place of the Late President Prof. John Evans Atta Mills) and Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park. The square has a capacity of over thirty thousand seats for spectators (30,000) thousand seats for customers. The 
 Independence Arch which is part of the Black Star Square contains monuments to Ghana’s independence struggle, the Black Star Gate and the Liberation Day Monuments.

The largest and much participated national spectacle and display of colours takes place at the Black Star Square on Independence Day. On this day, each of the government services is represented in full ceremonial dress, that is the Armed Forces, Air force,  Navy, Police, Firemen and selected schools and colleges parade in front of the President and invited world leaders as well as over thirty thousand (30.000) spectators every 6th march.The square serves as a festival ground for churches, institutions and organizations. It holds a memorial to three Ghanians shot and killed by colonial authorities. It is also a common site for parades and national festivals.

The Liberation Day Monument is also a monument in Accra located at the Black Star Square. It stands in honor of several veterans of the Burma Campaign, during the Second World War where they fought for the British Empire.  After returning to Ghana, some military men protested peacefully and were on their way to the Christians burg Castle, the former seat of the government when they were eventually shot.

 Tourist or Visitors are at liberty to take pictures of buildings with the exception of close shot unless visitors with official permission. An excellent place to visit.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013


                                             WATER FALLS IN GHANA
     The world is surrounded by water where it source cannot be traced. Most of us do not know the tourism essential of this wonderful natural resource, In Ghana; we have lot of falls that can be traced from the eastern part of Ghana, the Volta region and the Brong- Ahafo region. From the eastern part, come the boti falls, Akaa falls, and the kintampo falls, the fuller falls in the brong- Ahafo region while the Wli falls, tagbo falls and Tsenku falls is found In the Volta region.
               Talking about the boti falls ,which is an amazing seasonal falls is situated in the eastern part of Ghana precisely In a town called Huhunya which is about 17km North- east of Koforidua, the capital of the region , these water falls features two falls, side by side, according to the people of the town, the big fall is the male and the smaller the female and when they come together it is said that they are mating. Boti falls is a 30m high forest within the boti forest reserve. A small hike stones steps takes you to the water falls and a umbrella rock can also be seen at the tourist site.
                Like the boti falls, The Akaa falls is 7km from the boti falls and also seasonal in nature, the falls are accessed of 250 concretes steps to the bottom, where a canyon of water can fall around you from three sides when it flows well. There is a frightening bamboo ladder to climb to arrive at the top of a large rock that looks over an amazing forest.

          On the other had, the kintampo water falls also known as sanders falls during the colonial days. The falls is from pumpum river which falls 70m beautiful rocky steps, there are a lot of trees at the falls mostly mahogany trees, some of which grow beyond 40m. It has a more festive environment and a fine resting place to rest when traveling between Kumasi and Tamale or Mole national park.
                Interestingly, the fuller water falls is about 20min drive from kintampo water falls, it is the less visited falls and a more reserve falls, The falls have an upper and lower falls In a peaceful, reflective water falls, while the Tagbo water falls is near by the Wli water falls located at late   Wote, which flows from Ghana –Togo mountain range. It is an easy 45min walk through forest ad cocoa trees to reach these scenic falls that are covered by lush green carpet vegetation.


                   Finally, the Wli water falls, which is located in the Volta region about 20km from Hohoe, at the edge of Agumatse wildlife sanctuary? The forest around the Wli water falls has been preserved into what is known as Agumatse wildlife sanctuary. Nature lovers will find this place very interesting to visit.

                      Honorable members around the world, there is no limit to when people should visit the tourist destination water falls in Ghana, the falls are the coolest and refreshing place to be and an educating center. Make it a must if you are in or outside Ghana to visit this wonderful tourist destination. Travel and see for yourself.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


         Have you ever thought why beaches in Ghana are viewed as tourist destination? Our homeland, Ghana is blessed with the most wonderful and charming beaches and graced with 540 km of stunning, sandy coastline .Most of the beaches are located near the coastal areas. As a little country in West Africa, we have many popular beaches; the beaches in Ghana are mostly public beaches, a neighborhood popular tourist destination.

            On a larger scale, beaches are recognised as the most important recreational amenity in the region for Gold Coast residents as well as tourist. The beaches in Ghana are bulk of holiday tourist and the most important ecosystems. It a quaint area filled with charm and character. Some of the beaches in Ghana include, to the east is the Ada beach, precisely at Ada Foah, keta beach, and the prampram beach, and to the west is Brenu beach, Busia beach Axim beach resort and the Anomabo beach resort. Mighty beach and Titanic beach at Sakumono in Accra, t, Labadi beach, bojo beach and Kokrobite beach and many more.
          On the other hand, the beach resort covers wide variety of activities where it serve as a home for reggae lovers and Rastafarians, the wide expanse of the sandy beach is right for Frisbee, football and beach volleyball and also serves as a training field for footballers  and keep-fit clubs.  The beaches are great for water sports such as kite surfing. The beach resorts are also packed with tourist stores and restaurants, where people sit to enjoy while others walk along the shores until their feet gives out. There are also short term apartment where people stay when they visit a place for a period of time.

                    Interestingly, changing rooms facilities, snack bars, shower rooms are plentiful at the beaches guest houses to suits all budgets, rest and relaxation. The splendid wave makes your body surf and chill.  There are authentic social interacting activities at the beach where people enjoy the tranquility there. As a source of income, the beaches brings in tourist which equates money and serve as a trade centre where people sell food, drinks, swimming costumes and African print.
There is no ‘best’ time to visit in Ghana, as the temperature is always African –hot, and if rainfall doesn’t soak you, then the humid air will. If you prefer your soaking tropical in nature, then, stick close to the beaches. Thanks to the friendly people in Ghana, the beaches are becoming an interesting tourist destination for tourist. The beach combers are welcome.